Home World Man’s Brain Cyst Resulting from Police Beating Incites Manchester Airport

Man’s Brain Cyst Resulting from Police Beating Incites Manchester Airport


A lawyer representing the family of Mohammed Fahir, a 19-year-old man, has revealed that he developed a brain cyst after being kicked by a police officer at Manchester Airport.

Consequently, the officer involved has been suspended from duty following the release of a video clip showing him kicking Fahir in the head while he was lying on the ground.

Public anger over the video saw protests continue for two nights in succession. The streets of Manchester city centre were filled with hundreds of demonstrators blocking roads and tram lines on Thursday.

“No justice, no peace, no racist police,” were some of the slogans shouted outside Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham’s office during Stand Up To Racism-organized protests.

Fahir’s family has suffered deep trauma according to Paul Waugh who spoke concerning about this incident.

He added that the event troubled them more because they have relatives who are themselves police officers.

At least three officers from Greater Manchester Police were wounded during the altercation at the airport including one female officer with a broken nose.

Four men were arrested following arrests made concerning the same incident.

These protests are indicative of wider concerns about police behaviour and an ebbing away


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